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211 items matching your criteria.

Specialist Areas [1%] by admin, 2006-04-30 11:46 PM
- Microfossil Research focuses on the following specialist areas
Evidence for diet, parasites, pollen, phytoliths, diatoms and starch grains in prehistoric coprolites from Kohika [1%] by admin, 2006-03-15 11:54 PM
- Irwin GJ, Horrocks M, Williams LJ, Hall HJ, McGlone MS, Nichol SL. 2004. In: Irwin GJ. (ed) Kohika: the archaeology of a late Maori lake village in the Ngati ...
Starch residues in a sediment core and earth oven [1%] by admin, 2006-03-15 11:51 PM
- Horrocks M. 2006. In: Torrence R, Barton H. (eds) Ancient starch research. Walnut Creek, California, Left Coast Press. P. 176.
Home page for pcooke [1%] by admin, 2006-03-05 07:39 PM
Personal Items for pcooke [1%] by admin, 2006-03-05 07:39 PM
- contains personal workarea items for pcooke
pcooke's Home [1%] by admin, 2006-03-05 07:39 PM
- Home page area that contains the items created and collected by pcooke
Plant microfossil analysis of soils from Polynesian stonefields in South Auckland, New Zealand [1%] by admin, 2006-01-14 08:42 PM
- Horrocks M, Lawlor I. 2006. Journal of Archaeological Science 33, 200-217.
Home page for elcinz [1%] by admin, 2005-11-27 11:01 AM
Personal Items for elcinz [1%] by admin, 2005-11-27 11:01 AM
- contains personal workarea items for elcinz
elcinz's Home [1%] by admin, 2005-11-27 11:01 AM
- Buras? Üyeler klasörüdür.
Analysis of plant microfossils in archaeological deposits from two remote archipelagos: the Marshall Islands, eastern Micronesia, and the Pitcairn Group, southeast Polynesia [1%] by admin, 2005-11-18 09:33 PM
- Horrocks M, Weisler MI. 2006. Pacific Science 60, 261-280.
Forensic palynology: assessing the value of the evidence [1%] by admin, 2005-10-01 04:39 AM
- Horrocks M, Walsh KAJ. 1998. In: Boyd WE, Hall VA. (eds) Review of Palaeobotany & Palynology, Special Issue, New Frontiers and Applications in Palynology - 1X ...
The effects of the Taupo Tephra eruption of c. 1718 BP on the vegetation of Mt Hauhungatahi, central North Island, New Zealand [1%] by admin, 2005-10-01 04:39 AM
- Horrocks M, Ogden J. 1998. Journal of Biogeography 25, 649-660.
A bibliographic data base for New Zealand archaeology [1%] by admin, 2005-10-01 04:14 AM
- Jones M, Horrocks M, Robins J, Sutton D. 2001. Archaeology in New Zealand 44, 274-279.
Forensic Palynology: assessing the weight of the evidence [1%] by admin, 2005-10-01 04:12 AM
- Horrocks M, Walsh KAJ. 2001. In: Goodman DK, Clarke RT. (eds) Proceedings of the IX International Palynological Congress, American Association of Stratigraphic ...
Gourds, truffles and coprolites [1%] by admin, 2005-10-01 04:09 AM
- Horrocks M, Jones MD, Beever RE, Sutton DG. 2001. New Zealand Geographic 51, 8-9.
Stratigraphic palynology in porous soils in humid climates: an example from Pouerua, northern New Zealand [1%] by admin, 2005-10-01 03:55 AM
- Horrocks M, D’Costa D. 2003. Palynology 27, 23-33.
Analysis of sediments and plant remains from the find-spot of a cache of Polynesian gardening tools at Ruakaka, northern New Zealand [1%] by admin, 2005-10-01 03:54 AM
- Horrocks M, Best SB, Byrami M. 2003. New Zealand Journal of Archaeology 23 (2001), 189-210.
Plant remains in coprolites: diet of a sub-alpine moa (Dinornithiformes) from southern New Zealand [1%] by admin, 2005-10-01 03:48 AM
- Horrocks M, D’Costa D, Wallace R, Gardner R, Kondo R. 2004. Emu 104, 149-156.
Palaeo-environment and human impact in modifying vegetation at Mt St John, Auckland Isthmus, New Zealand [1%] by admin, 2005-10-01 03:42 AM
- Horrocks M, Nichol SL, D’Costa DM, Shane PA, Prior C. 2005. New Zealand Journal of Botany 43, 211-221.
Microfossil analysis of Lapita deposits in Vanuatu reveals introduced Araceae (aroids) [1%] by admin, 2005-10-01 03:41 AM
- Horrocks M, Bedford S. 2005. Archaeology in Oceania 40, 67-74.
Microfossils of introduced starch cultigens from an early wetland ditch in New Zealand [1%] by admin, 2005-10-01 03:40 AM
- Horrocks M, Barber I. 2005. Archaeology in Oceania 40, 106-114.
Holocene vegetation, environment and tephra recorded from Lake Pupuke, Auckland [1%] by admin, 2005-10-01 03:39 AM
- Horrocks M, Augustinus P, Deng Y, Shane PA, Andersson S. 2005. New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics 48, 85-94.
A combined procedure for recovering phytoliths and starch residues from soils, sedimentary deposits and similar materials [1%] by admin, 2005-10-01 03:29 AM
- Horrocks M. 2005. Journal of Archaeological Science 32, 1169-1175.
The Maori stone mounds at Pouerua, northern New Zealand [1%] by admin, 2005-10-01 03:12 AM
- Horrocks M. In press. In: Malek A. (ed) A guide to garden archaeology. Washington DC, Dumbarton Oaks.
Macroremains of plants [1%] by admin, 2005-10-01 03:12 AM
- Horrocks M. In Press. In: Malek A. (ed) A guide to garden archaeology. Washington DC, Dumbarton Oaks.
document.2005-08-29.9806061567 [1%] by admin, 2005-08-29 04:33 AM
document.2005-07-29.4529960514 [1%] by admin, 2005-07-29 02:00 AM
document.2005-07-29.5834622438 [1%] by admin, 2005-07-29 01:29 AM
A bibliographic data base for New Zealand archaeology [1%] by admin, 2005-07-28 03:44 AM
- Jones, M., Horrocks, M., Robins, J., Sutton, D. 2001. Archaeology in New Zealand 44, 274-279.