Introduced taro (Colocasia esculenta) and yams (Dioscorea spp.) in Podtanean (2700-1800 yr BP) deposits from Mé Auré Cave (WMD007), Moindou, New Caledonia
last modified
2008-03-25 02:13 PM
Horrocks M, Grant-Mackie J, Matisoo-Smith E. 2008. Journal of Archaeological Science 35, 169-180.
Plant microfossil analysis was carried out on deposits bearing Podtanean (2700-1800 yr BP) ceramics from Mé Auré Cave, Moindou, New Caledonia. Starch residues of introduced Colocasia esculenta, Dioscorea esculenta and one or more, undifferentiated Dioscorea species were identified. The latter include Dioscorea alata, D. bulbifera, D. nummularia and D. pentaphylla. The data provide the first direct evidence of prehistoric horticulture in New Caledonia.
Ancient starch, Colocasia esculenta, Dioscorea, prehistoric agriculture, Podtanean, New Caledonia.