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The Hamurana Road site, U15/9, Rotorua

by admin last modified 2008-03-25 02:03 PM

Campbell M, Horrocks M. 2005. New Zealand Journal of Archaeology 27, 95-125.


Recent excavation at the Hamurana Road site revealed a series of pits, a line of postholes forming a fence, and a kakahi (Hyridella menzeisi) midden. Little is known of the archaeology of the region, so analysis of the site sought to establish a baseline context for the Rotorua basin. A microfossil analysis was carried out to examine both the palaeo-environment and evidence of pre-European horticulture. An outline settlement pattern was developed, although there are limitations in the recorded site inventory. Several phases of activity were observed at the site, with radiocarbon dates indicating a series of short-term late pre-European occupations. It was concluded that part of the site probably relates to Paketuri, which is recorded in traditional history.


Rotorua, Hamurana, microfossils, kakahi, settlement.

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