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Forensic palynology: assessing the value of the evidence

by admin last modified 2005-10-01 04:39 AM

Horrocks M, Walsh KAJ. 1998. In: Boyd WE, Hall VA. (eds) Review of Palaeobotany & Palynology, Special Issue, New Frontiers and Applications in Palynology - 1X IPC. 103, 69-74.


The main forensic application of palynology is in determining the possibility of associative evidence. Forensic palynologists should assess the significance of their evidence to assist the court in determining the guilt or innocence of the defendant. They also need to present this assessment in language which can be readily understood by judges and juries. The aim of this paper is to establish a framework for making such assessments using the likelihood ratio (LR). The LR forms part of the assessment of forensic evidence using Bayes’ Theorem and considers the quality of the pollen “match” and how common the pollen assemblage is. Three pollen cases are used as examples.

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