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The palynology and sedimentology of a coastal swamp at Awana, Great Barrier Island, New Zealand, from ca 7000 yr B.P. to present

by admin last modified 2008-03-25 01:45 PM

Horrocks M, Ogden J, Nichol SL, Alloway BV, Sutton DG. 1999. Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand 29, 213-233.


Pollen and sediment analysis of two Holocene cores from Awana, Great Barrier Island, shows that at 7000 calibrated yr B.P. the local swamp was an estuarine salt marsh dominated by Restionaceae. By c. 6000 yr B.P. the water table was lower, and a fresh water swamp (Gleichenia-Leptospermum) had replaced the salt marsh. Regional conifer-hardwood forest c. 7000 yr B.P. was initially co-dominated by Libocedrus and Dacrydium cupressinum. Libocedrus declined from c. 6000 yr B.P. During the period c. 6000-c. 2500 yr B.P., relatively stable environmental conditions ensued with little change in local or regional vegetation. Around 2500 yr B.P. the swamp surface became drier and was invaded by Dacrycarpus and Laurelia swamp forest. This forest was subsequently repeatedly disturbed (not by fire), indicating climatic change to drier and windier conditions. Ascarina lucida was periodically a major component of swamp forest. Disturbance is also recorded in the clastic (mineral) sediments, when beds of sand within finer-grained sediment and peat are interpreted as wind blown material derived from partly devegetated dunes to seaward.

The presence of the Kaharoa Tephra allows the date of commencement of Polynesian deforestation at Awana to be reliably dated to c. 600 calibrated yr B.P. In contrast, we see no evidence in the clastic sediment record of disturbance at Awana since Kaharoa time. We attribute this to the maintenance of stable dunes by a herb/scrub cover despite nearby fires, or to the presence of scrub or forest buffering the swamp from ablating dunes.


Palynology, sedimentology, Holocene, coastal geomorphology, disturbance, Kaharoa Tephra, Great Barrier Island.

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